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Autumn (Zoopoxy)


31" x 21" x 5,5" | One of a kind

The season theme came late in the creative process. The shapes were completed and I was not satisfied. The surfaces needed something. Then, I saw a man facing a strong cold wind waiting for the inevitable, so he became Autumn facing the arrival of winter and the fallen leave became the natural addition to the surface. After Autumn was envisioned, adding snowflakes to Winter was as natural as the changing seasons.

This sculpture is painted "Zoopoxy", a non-toxic catalyzed resin developed for zoos and amusement parks to create artificial rocks and trees. Durable enough for wild animal exhibits and millions of human visitors, but it is not indestructible, so handle with care. Materials: Acrylic paint and colored wax over Zoopoxy over plaster-of-Paris over Styrofoam.

Interested in purchasing? Please let me know through “Contact Me”. I can tell you more about the Work and answer any questions.
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